Love this very 2020 photo I took of my clients for their holiday cards.
I wish I could blame the pandemic and 2020 on me only writing 3 blog posts all last year. But if you’ve been following me for a while, you know that isn’t true.
The fact is I suck at blogging.
Every year I sincerely want to do better and this year is no different. I started this post back at the end of December, but for whatever lame reason only now came back and was able to finish it up.
I don’t know why I have such a hard time finishing all the posts I start, but I’m working on changing that (I actually have several posts juuust about finished, on a range of topics, so keep an eye out). I know part of my problem is wanting things to be “perfect” and often struggling to find the “perfect” words or images.
Or feeling pressure that as a photographer I should stick to topics related to that and my business, but as a human being that has more than one dimension, I’d like to write and share about a whole lot more than just my photography, but is anyone even reading and interested? Does that even matter? Why am I letting this stop me from writing about whatever I want?
I’m sure there are even more just these things contributing to my mental roadblock, but I determined to make 2021 the ‘year of Shana blogging more.’
So, if y’all have any tips or tricks on completing all the different things we start, drop ‘em in the comments below. Lord knows I could use the help.
Anyhoo, this was originally supposed to be a short and sweet ‘Happy New Year!’ post, but seeing how it’s the end of March, instead I’ll make it a short and sweet ‘Woohoo, It’s Finally Spring And More And More People Are Getting Their Covid Vaccinations and Maybe, Just Maybe, There’s A Light At The End Of The Tunnel!’ post.
This is also the perfect time to schedule an outdoor session. It’s not too hot out yet, the wildflowers are blooming, and trees are getting all full and green again. So get in touch today if you’ve been thinking about booking a session of any kind.
And as everything starts opening up more and more, I’m hoping to get a few spring/summer specials planned, so make sure y’all are signed up for my newsletter, as subscribers always get first dibs on spots and other special subscriber-only perks.
That’s all I’ve got for now — proof of life and some pretty pics — but fingers-crossed, I should be back with more soon!