Covid-19 + UPDATES

Self-portrait | White Sands, NM

Thankfully, as of 2023, the pandemic has waned so much since those early scary days. While not totally over, much of our lives have return to mostly normal’ish. However, I know there are many people for which the pandemic is still very much a real concern for them and I am happy to do whatever I can to ease those fears and respect your wishes if we work together.


Your health and safety has, and always will be, my top priority and so since March 2020, I’ve been adhering to all CDC recommendations and local and state guidelines, such as frequent hand-washing, wearing a mask, limiting indoor sessions, social distancing in my personal and business life, maintaining a shooting distance of at least 6 feet, among other precautions.


2nd dose all done. ✌️

I can happily announce that I’m fully vaccinated and boosted (thank you, Science!).

Along with my vaccinations, I will continue to do my part to help minimize the risk of becoming infected and spreading the virus to others by maintaining additional safety protocols during sessions, such as wearing a mask, social distancing, and limiting the number of indoor sessions I do a week.

During these strange, unusual times, it's important to be flexible, keep an open mind, and try a go-with-the-flow attitude. Or at least, that’s my philosophy. And I hope it will be something y’all consider as well. Thanks, friends!

If you have any questions or concerns whatsoever, please let me know.

Page lasted update March 2023.